If families wish to attend any workshop, they can sign up by completing a word registration form (see attached) and email it to Please note, families must sign up at least a week before the workshop they wish to attend and places are allocated on a first-come, first served basis.
Parent Sleep Workshop (Children aged 12 and under) - The workshop will cover the following topics; why sleep is important, what is ‘good’ sleep, possible causes of sleep difficulties and learning strategies to help overcome sleep problems.
·Tuesday 6th June; 17:00-19:00pm
Teenage Sleep Workshop (Children aged 13+) - The workshop will cover the following topics; why sleep is important, what is ‘good’ sleep, sleep hygiene tips and strategies for managing worries at night.
·Tuesday 20th June; 16:00-18:00pm
Parent Self-esteem workshop (Children aged 12 and under) – The workshop equips parents with an understanding of self-esteem and ways to promote high self-esteem through parenting style and collaborative activities to try at home with their young person.
·Tuesday 4th July; 17:00-19:00pm
Teenage self-esteem (Parents and young people 13+) - One off workshop which equips teenagers with an understanding of self-esteem and tools to build confidence through thought challenging, relaxation and activities to celebrate strengths and successes. Workshop also offers parental tips for building self-esteem in adolescence.
·Monday 12th June; 16:00-18:00pm
0-5 Resiliency Workshop (Parents of children aged 0-5) - The workshop will look at the importance of relationships, healthy attachment and how children are constantly learning from those around them. It will cover emotional regulation and how parents/carers are in a prime position to model healthy emotional regulation and behaviours. The workshop will also cover strategies and techniques to help build resiliency in children.
·Wednesday 19th July; 17:00pm-19:00pm
Primary Resiliency Workshop - (Parents of children aged 6-12) – The workshop will cover the following topics; mental health vs mental health problems, emotional regulation, psychoeducation around anxiety and low mood, and strategies for relaxation.
·Wednesday 24th May; 09:30-11:30am
Secondary Resiliency Workshop (Children aged 13+) – The workshop will cover the following topics; mental health vs mental health problems, emotional regulation, psychoeducation around anxiety and low mood, and strategies for relaxation.
·Monday 27th June; 16:00-18:00pm
Anxiety Workshop (Parents of children under the age of 12) - The workshop will cover the following topics; Emotional development in children, emotional regulation, psychoeducation around anxiety and anxiety management strategies.
·Wednesday 10th May; 17:00-19:00pm
Transition Workshops – One-off psychoeducation workshops that provide anxiety /behavioural strategies based on guided self-help to help children with transitions to new schools / reintegration back to school. Parents and young people can attend:
·Lower-Middle transitions (parent only) – Wednesday 9th August 17:00pm-19:00pm
·Primary-Secondary/Middle-Upper transitions (Parent and young person) – Friday 18th August 9:30am-11:30am
Exam Stress Workshop
Teenage workshop for young people aged 12+ and their parent/carers -One off workshop which equips teenagers with an understanding of exam stress, strategies for managing exam stress, revision tips and self-care. The workshop also offers parental tips for supporting their adolescent’s exam stress.
·Tuesday 9th May; 17:00-19:00pm