Dear parents & carers,
I hope you enjoyed hearing how your child has settled into school at our Parent-Teacher Conferences a few weeks ago. It was also fantastic to receive feedback via our parent survey. If you haven't done so already, please complete it HERE.
We have had an eventful few weeks. Staff completed their safeguarding training just before half-term. We have had Bonfire Night, Outdoor Learning Day, Remembrance Day, Anti-Bullying Week and Children in Need in the last two weeks, as well as a Year 6 residential! Super busy - I hope you enjoy the pictures below.
As always, we kindly request that you park carefully. We have asked LBC to increase their presence, but actually, we would like everyone to take a bit of responsibility for their actions in line with our values. Please do not park on the zigzags, do not do three-point turns at the school gates and be very mindful if reversing. There are hundreds of children walking into school!
Thank you, as always, to those of you who park further away or walk to school - it makes a huge difference.
Absence & Lates - Thank you for using the new email system to report a child's absence - - this is proving very effective.
Please try to be prompt - our registers close by 9.15 am - after this time your child will get an unauthorised absence mark. Unauthorised marks may add up to Penalty Notices.
In line with rising costs, we will have to raise the price of a school lunch to £2.55 in January.
Sorry, but Twilight after-school club is not a drop-in service. We have to plan for food and staffing, so it must be booked in advance. We can, however, help in an emergency or under exceptional circumstances.
Today we had our Governors' Day. The team came to the school for updates on how we plan to develop our school. They visited every year group, went out to play and ate lunch with the children.... yes they had a school dinner! They met with key staff to review areas such as safeguarding, SEND and well-being and the Student Council. We had discussions about finance and our potential new nursery. It was a very busy day. I am grateful for the support of our governing body and glad they take the time to see our school in action.
Clarification on pick up.
- During the winter months, whilst it is dark, we expect all children attending a club or after-school activity to be collected by an adult. We will carry this policy through until the evening gets lighter in the spring.
- At 3.30 pm, normal school pick up, all Reception, Yr 1 and Yr 2 children must be collected by an adult. The NSPCC recommends that responsible young people over the age of 14 (Year 9 and above) can also collect, but this will be by arrangement with the school. It will depend on the 14-year-old and where you live. Parents should contact the school office to speak about this.
- Yrs 3 & 4 will be incorporated into the same arrangements as the lower years to avoid confusion. We have had some children being collected by their older Bushmead siblings and walking out to a car. This has led to some issues and concerns around responsibility. Year 3 & 4 children should be picked up by someone 14+.
- Year 5 & 6 children may start to go home by themselves. However, we do like to discuss arrangements with parents if this involves longer distances and/or bus travel.
Thank you for your understanding. Although you ultimately have responsibility for your child after they leave school, we also have a responsibility to let them leave the premises safely.
We will be hosting another CAMHS workshop - please let us know if you would like to attend. See the flyer below.
The School Librarian needs some help. Parents have kindly donated lots of lovely new books, but they need preparing for the bookshelves, stamping books, data input and repairing books, that sort of thing. If you have a couple of hours a week that you could spare as a library volunteer we love to hear from you. As Mrs Turner works Monday to Wednesday, it would need to be on one of these days. Please contact the office should you be interested in helping. Thank you.
Thank you for all your support for Children in Need Day.
Have a lovely weekend.
Joanne Travi