Dear parents & carers,
We are switching to a monthly newsletter! Please look out for the ParentMail link at the middle of each month.
We have had an incredibly busy half-term so far. People sometimes suggest that we are winding down this term. I can assure you that it is the opposite. Our focus is on measuring pupil progress through assessment and then reporting to parents. Working to complete statutory assessments, including phonics screening and the multiplication check and end of year assessments in maths and English for all our pupils. Not to mention completing our curriculum coverage, school trips and visitors, sports activities, arts week and all the preparation for September!
Our Year 6 writing was moderated. This means that independent teachers, via the local authority, come and assess whether our teachers are assessing / grading our writing appropriately. This was a hugely successful process. The moderating team were super impressed by the quality of our pupil's writing and the book choices that are used as stimuli. Our Year 6 teachers worked incredibly hard and our assessors stated that it was a 'privilege to work with such excellent staff that knew their children so well.' A proud headteacher moment!
We are also planning for September. The current Reception and years 2, 4 and 5 will be mixed as they go into next year. Reception will be a `soft`, so by halves of classes. The other year groups will be completely mixed. This year we have decided not to give children choices of friends. Firstly, because children can change their minds. Second, often they only want one or two of the children they choose. Third, their choices are not always in their best interest.
Teachers are aware of their social groups and will take that into consideration. However, the priority is getting the right teacher and learners together for a successful year. Transition Day will take place on July 5th, children will meet their new teacher.
RSHE - Our Relationship Education lessons will be taught across the school the week beginning the 24th June. Relationships Education is statutory. Yrs R - 5 are required to take part in the three lessons.
Yr 6 pupils have four lessons, two of which include Sex Education - these are optional. If you wish to withdraw your child from these lessons, you may, please email the school office.
Information about our curriculum is here: RSHE
There will be a drop-in open afternoon on Friday 21st June between 2 pm and 3.30 pm where parents can review the resources taught. If you cannot make this session, please get in touch with the school office.
Today our Year 5 & 6 pupils had an assembly from Bigfoot Arts Education focusing on knife crime and violence prevention. The theme was Powerful Choices. An important and powerful message for our older children
Attendance continues to be an issue; I receive multiple leave of absence forms daily. Please can parents ensure that children are in school as much as possible. Absence really does impact on learning.
A reminder that Class Photos will be taken on June 28th.
Active Play, our Summer Club, is back. Please see details below. Book your places asap!
Eid Mubarak to all in our community celebrating.
Have a lovely weekend.
Ms Travi