Dear parents & carers,
Thank you to everyone who attended our Parent-Teacher Conferences this week. It was fantastic to have everyone in school and I have received very positive feedback from parents and teachers alike.
I hope you enjoyed our art exhibition! It was great to see the children's artwork displayed. A huge thank you to Mrs Jones for organising the event.
A reminder that next week term finishes on Thursday 28th March as Good Friday falls on the 29th. Children are due back to school on Monday 15th April. There will be a non-uniform day on Friday 19th April to celebrate Eid.
Thank you to everyone that has made a concerted effort to be at school on time and to sustain attendance. It is much appreciated. We hope this continues in the week before and after our next holiday.
You will have heard, no doubt, at Parents' Evening, how well your children reads. Nothing replaces reading to or reading with a child. However, all reading helps children learn.
`Turning on the subtitles while children are watching television can double the chances of a child becoming good at reading. It’s so brilliantly simple and can help children’s literacy so much that we want to shout it from the rooftops!`
Thank you to all those families that regularly read with their children. it makes a huge difference. For inspiration:
A reminder that our libraries are open after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And Luton Libraries provide an excellent array of services too. All for free:
Have a lovely weekend.
Joanne Travi