Dear parents & carers,
Our Value for February is EMPATHY. It is quite hard, especially for younger children, to understand the feelings of others. Without experience, it is difficult for children to know what another person may be going through. Our task is to give them the skills they need to have:
- Cognitive Empathy: the ability to understand another's perspective.
- Emotional Empathy: the ability to physically feel what another person feels.
- Empathic Concern: the ability to sense what another needs from you.
We can give them insight though our discussions in PSHE lessons & give them life experience through stories.
`I believe that stories are incredibly important, possibly in ways we don't understand, in allowing us to make sense of our lives, in allowing us to escape our lives, in giving us empathy and in creating the world that we live in.` Neil Gaiman
Some book ideas are here:
From our assembly on Friday.
We will be conducting an 'Punctuality/Attendance Check week commencing 20th February (straight after half-term), when ALL parents will be spoken to and a written record will be issued to them if their child arrives via the front office. We have to improve our punctuality and attendance as it is having an impact on children's learning. If you are having a difficulty please contact our Family Team and will try to support you.
Half term dates are from Monday 13th to Friday 17th February. Children are due back in school on Monday 20th February.
Book Week is from 27th February to the 3rd March, with World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March. There will be lots more details to follow in next week's newsletter.
Kind regards,
Joanne Travi