Dear parents & carers,
As you will have seen, our paths are being repaired. We are fortunate to have repairs not only to the Old Bedford Road path but around the school. Apologies for any inconvenience caused but all gates and paths will be back open after half-term.
We are always trying to improve our school and have some amazing displays currently celebrating Chinese New Year, Safeguarding and Well-being and the art that children have produced. Particular thanks to Ms White, Mrs Turner, Ms Jones and Mrs Doyle for going above and beyond!
Thank you to Mrs Smartt, our Science Co-ordinator, for working towards improving the teaching of learning of science. She applied for participation in The Ogden Trust Primary Science Capital Teaching Approach (PSCTA) training, and I am delighted that she has been successful.
This is a teaching approach that goes beyond contextualising science learning and encouraging STEM careers – it takes an equity approach to learning science and personalises learning. An exciting development for our school.
We are reviewing our RSHE curriculum and would like to create a parent panel consisting of 6-8 parents or carers. If you are interested, please contact the school office: / 01582 725 387. Thank you in advance.
The queue at the front office at 9.00 for late families has increased again. This means that children miss a calm start to the day, and it can be very stressful for them to arrive when lessons have begun. Our gates open at 8.30 and children can enter from 8.40 am. There are occasional exceptions when things go wrong, but generally, children should be at school before 8.55. Please help support this. Our attendance officer, Mrs Beeston, will be at the front door this week to monitor.
No Smartwatches please, including 'Vtech for kids'. They have caused a few problems in school. Some have 4G and can connect to the internet (it isn't possible for us, on sight, to distinguish which have and have not) and we have had children taking photos and recording voice notes without permission, which causes safeguarding issues. Not to mention that some of the watches are very expensive and there would be a concern if they were lost.
The leadership team have discussed this and cannot think of a reason why a child would need a smartwatch at school and, therefore, it is better not to have them, in the same way we don't allow children to stay in possession of their mobile phones, during school hours. Children can wear analogue or digital watches to tell the time. Teachers will discuss this with their classes on Monday.
Individual school photos will be taken on Thursday 8th February. As always, please ensure that your child is wearing the correct school uniform. Children will change for PE on that day. Anything worn in the pupil's hair should only be a school colour, please. We shouldn't see any pink, blue, green etc. anywhere - including in their hair or on trainers/shoes and socks.
Thank you to all those who do their best to support the uniform policy.
A huge thank you to our choir and the staff that supported the Young Voices trip. It was a magical event and our children were wonderful. Thanks to Ms Richardson, Ms Ledster, Mrs Watt, Mrs Toyer, Mrs Hemming, and Mrs Wilson. Please see a few pictures below.
Have a lovely weekend.
Joanne Travi