Dear parents & carers,
Our Curriculum Framework, outlining what we teach at Bushmead, is available on our website. Our teachers and curriculum leaders have worked extremely hard to ensure that we have the best possible coverage, a broad curriculum and, year-on-year, we build on children's skills. We have made adjustments in each year group and subject; we have a whole new PE curriculum too. This is a dynamic document and subject to some change as we continue to strive for improvements. For example, our focus this year is a new framework for writing.
Bushmead Curriculum Framework
Every family needs to make the utmost effort to have their children in school as much as possible. The best curriculum and teachers in the world can't help children if they are not here. There are 13 weeks (a quarter of the year) for you to take holidays and travel.
We understand that children are sometimes unwell, but please follow the NHS guidance. Is my child too ill for school?
Bushmead families travelling abroad during term time is significantly above national averages. We appreciate that many of our families have relations overseas. However, we cannot approve travel in term time and parents have a responsibility to ensure that children are in school whenever possible. Our level of persistent absence is unacceptable and is having an impact on learning and emotional well-being. Please work with us to ensure that we don't have to apply for fixed penalty notice fines.
Our new Application for Leave of Absence is on our website. This explains the process.
The most important part of attendance is honest communication. Please let us know what is happening!
Have a lovely weekend,
Joanne Travi