Dear parents & carers,
A very `warm` welcome back to our new school year. We have had a great first week back, the children have been settled and are already working well. Which is fantastic.
Welcome to our new staff taking on teaching positions Miss Spendelow (PE), Mr Cowburn (Yr 5), Mrs Keeling (Yr 4), Mrs Khanom (Yr 2), Ms Wells (Yr 1) and Miss Kelly and Mrs Neher in Reception. We also welcome Mrs Shah, Miss Uddin, Ms Jones, Ms Evans and Mrs Llapashtica as education assistants.
Next week you will receive a parent pack. It includes our home - school agreement, calendar for the year, planned after school clubs for the year, ICT agreement and a new request for leave form. Hopefully useful for forward planning.
Before and after school
To help keep everyone safe on the playground before and after school please ensure your child walks with their scooter or bike whilst on the premises. Children shouldn't be on the play equipment on any playground please. It is not suitable or safe for all children.
Some year 5 & 6 children, walking to school independently, are congregating outside of school, socialising and coming in at the last minute, if not late. Please would you remind your child, as we have, to come into school as soon as they arrive.
The gates will be locked at 9.00. If you arrive at 8.55 please go to the front office. Please do not drop your child off outside of school and hope. We will not know a child is locked out and it becomes a safeguarding concern! Make sure your child is in our care before you leave. Do also leave the premises promptly when you have dropped your child off. Otherwise, you may find yourself looked in!
The Bushmead Year of Reading
Every piece of research shows us that if children read for pleasure they achieve more academically and have more options and success in life.
In the words of Oprah Winfrey..... click here.
If your child enjoys films or video games, they like stories. It is all about re-framing their experience of story telling. Think about using audiobooks alongside the written word, read aloud to your child (they are never too old) or siblings can read to each other, model reading yourself.
Please make reading part of your daily routine.
You don't need to buy books, as well as our school library, you can explore the Luton library website for free e-books, audiobooks and magazines (not to mention streamed music and films). There are many events and you can borrow children's books.
Join online here.
Healthy packed lunches - please ensure that you send in a healthy lunch box.
Parent 'drop - in' after school on Monday 3.40 - 4.00pm for Yr 1 - 6. If you haven't yet had a chance to say hello to your child's new teacher pop in and say hello on Monday. There will be School Cloud (online) parent meetings in October and face to face parent meetings in March. At any time during the school year please do not hesitate to contact us.
Mental Health & Well-Being - a very useful selection of resources are here on the Parents Toolkit from the BBC -
We are looking forward to a wonderful year. The Bushmead team have worked extremely hard to plan for the year ahead. There is lots to look forward to.
Kind regards,
Joanne Travi