This week we will discuss the transitions each and every student experiences yearly and how it affects them.
Transitions to different school years may put plenty of stress and other negative emotions on a child, and we as a school are aware of how unhealthy stress can be to an individual. As a student progresses to their next class, meets their new teacher, and is surrounded with new peers, they may be pressured by unrecognisable feelings that could prevent them from fulfilling their complete potential. Bushmead Primary School desires for our children to be at their prime mentality for their age before their departure from primary school to high school, but of course the idea of a transition may lay doubts upon a student.
We have spoken to Key Stage 1s about this subject, and here are their replies:
Joseph Cottrell said:
How are you feeling about moving to year 3?
Kind of happy, because there are more subjects.
What subjects are you looking forward to?
Mostly maths, and partly English. I’m looking forward to French, too.
What subjects are you not looking forward to?
Gisele Bruce said:
How are you feeling about moving to year 3?