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Reading Champions

At Bushmead we think reading is very important. ‘Reading Champions’ is a reading challenge to complement our current reading schemes in both Key Stage 1(Book Bands) and Key Stage 2 (Accelerated Reader), and encourage wider reading.

The children are encouraged to read a selection of 20 books which includes a mix of classic/modern literature, picture books, verse and books that will challenge pupils' perception of people, cultures and relationships.  

These are recommended book lists not  exclusive book lists and the pupils are encouraged to make their own book choices but also consider books from the list. These books can be read independently or become a shared read with an adult. It is not a competition to see how quickly pupils complete the list as they have all year to do so.

Once a pupil completes all the books from their Year Group Reading Champions list, they will be awarded a Reading Champion Badge for that year.


Please select the relevant year group below.